BOM - January 2001

Shooting star

12 " Finished (12 1/2" unfinished)




To start the new millennium, a traditional block in two colors, red and white, or whatever colors you want


    Cutting Directions:


            Cut 4 squares, 3 1/2" x 3 1/2", Patch D)

            Cut 4 squares, 3 7/8" x 3 7/8", divide diagonally into triangles (Patch B)


            Cut 4 parallelograms, 5" x 2 5/8'' according to Figure 1 (Patch A) Be careful cutting these, the Figure shows the right side of the fabric.  It's not reversible.

            Cut 4 squares, 3 1/2' x 3 1/2" (Patch C)



    Assembly Directions:

        Sew a Patch B white triangle on each side of a Patch A, matching long side of the triangle to the long side of Patch A. (Figure 2)



        Sew a Patch D & a Patch C square together. Repeat with the remaining D & C patches to make 4 sets. Using the colored diagram at the top of the page as a guide, sew the D/C units together with the A/B units. Finish by sewing the 4 sets together into the block.




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